View Full Version : 30M Problems with Usenet since Superhub reboot

11-02-2012, 14:04
I recently reset my superhub as I couldn't remember the password I'd set for it and I needed to change my upnp settings in regards to my wdtv live box, since then downloading from newsgroups has dropped to a crawl :( I've tried looking at different settings and even reset the hub AGAIN with no changes at all the same problem is persisting, I'm lucky if I get 200kb/s download speed! Can anyone tell me what I did woring and what I can do to fix it please???

11-02-2012, 14:37
Newsgroups has been on a crawl for ages for me. There is another thread with some info about a damaged fibreoptic cable near Amsterdam.


11-02-2012, 16:29
so it's not just me then? Just bad timing that it happened the same time as my reset, phew! I was going crazy trying to _fix_ what wasn't broken! Thanks for the feedback :)

11-02-2012, 16:31
Damaged fibre optic cables don't selectively affect newsgroups.