View Full Version : Disconnection

10-04-2008, 21:18

I have been on involuntary disconnection with Virgin for 2-3 weeks due to changing banks and not setting up the direct debit again, and Virgin didn't let me know, just disconnected me. I couldn't pay them this via credit or debit card because I don't have a credit card, and the only debit card I have at the moment is linked to my old bank account.

As said before, I was put on involuntary disconnection about 2-3 weeks ago, but still could not pay. My email accounts were all working fine up until this Weds., I cannot login to emails or 'My Account'. I called them on Monday again about this and I was told I could pay by TransCash, which I did on Tuesday. I called them on the Weds. because even though I was put on involuntary disconnect I was able to access my email accounts until Weds., when they stopped working.

I was told I couldn't access any of this was because I was placed on 'Full Disconnect', and when they recieved the TransCash payment they'd re activate me.

So in summary my questions are:
1] Has anyone ever payed via TransCash before, and how long does it take for VM to recieve payment?

2] With this 'full disconnect' they said when I'm re-activated they need to re-add my modem into the database, and need my MAC. Will this mean my account name and password will change, hopefully not.

3] I had a retentions deal for 4mb for £18, will this still stand.

Thanks for any help all. :)

EDIT: I know my post is a little hard to understand, I've had a few, sorry :P. Just the answers to the questions in bold would be fine :)

11-04-2008, 01:39
1) I dunno

2) Definitely not.

3) If the notes are still there on your account, then yes, you will.

11-04-2008, 01:45
1) Who told you about the transcash payment method? You are in Manchester, which means you are on a broadband system which will only accept Direct Debits or Card Payments and nothing else. The only way trashcash will work is if they gave a different 9 digit Virgin Media account number. If they said you could pay trashcash to your broadband account number they are wrong. I would query it ASAP

2) Probably not. They should be able to reactivate the previous details as you have been disconnected for less than a month. If you are disconnected for more than a month you will end up with new details

3) No you will not get your discount back. Being disconnected due to non-payment invalidates any discount agreement

11-04-2008, 17:42
Thanks, I have an 8 digit account number :S. I called them today, day before and day before to ask if they recieved it and none of them have said anything about not accepting a TransCash payment. Hmm....