View Full Version : DIY - Box on the Wall (Can I open it)

27-09-2007, 09:10
Need to do some wallpapering in the room where the broadband box comes into the house. Has anybody every moved one of these to get behind it ?
It's a white box with two screws on the front that feeds int the modem.

Dont want to tinker before asking just in case theres some seal inside making my warranty void or something.

on in an hour!
27-09-2007, 09:13
go ahead and open it,it only contains an isolator which sits in the backplate housing which is fixed to the wall ;)

27-09-2007, 09:27
If there isn't any slack in the cable coming in from the outside,
not allowing me to move the unit away from the wall enough to work around... could I simply disconnect it while I work... or will this screw things up ?

27-09-2007, 09:36
Aye you can that.. it shouldnt be so tight anyway.

30-09-2007, 04:51
You should find a bit of slack inside the box, but yes you can temporarily disconnect the isolator. Try to avoid shorting the center conductor against the outside, just in case!