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Old 02-02-2015, 10:54   #267
richard s
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richard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful one
Re: What have you fixed lately?

Just installed a 5 metre 12V LED strip light down the edge of the stairs with an IPR sensor. Now no need to turn on the main lights when going up or down... Brill.
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