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Old 27-08-2011, 16:22   #836
Join Date: May 2007
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TheDon has reached the bronze age
TheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze age

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
He did botch the majority, and many on house shows - people don't get taken off a brand to avoid live TV for nothing. As I've explained in the past there are things workers discuss before a match. Primo isn't the best worker but isn't the worst. In fairness Christian could get a good match out of Kelly Kelly.
Primo slipped off the rope. No amount of talking things through would have improved the ability of Primo to stand on the top rope.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
They would not put him in situations he could not handle - why on earth would they do that for someone they intend to be part of WWE's next generation?
Money money money. This is WWE, they do everything for the money. The entire reason Hunico is in the Sin Cara mask is so they can carry on selling them at $70 a pop.
They wanted a quick return on the huge investment they made on him.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
I'm not sure that's true. If they asked him to wear something you seem to be suggesting is dangerous they'd be opening themselves up to legal action if he took a career-threatening bump.
MITB ladder matches show the sort of level of danger WWE thinks is allowable. Many a wrestler (most recently CM Punk) have come out and said they'd be happy if they never had to wrestle another one because of how dangerous they are. So yes, I think WWE would do something that wasn't entirely safe.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
There isn't anything wrong with the way WWE have handled the character. Basically they're introducing him as Rey with the volume turned up. Hunico botched one match, there aren't any wrestlers who can say that's never happened to. If he keeps botching then that might be different.
So you think introducing a guy straight into the main event roster that hardly anyone on the roster has experience in dealing with is the right thing to do?
He isn't just another Rey, his moves are a whole level above what Rey does. His moves are several levels about what Hunico does.

There should have been a period of training for the benefit of both him and his opponents.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
Not only are they keeping him off tv but the rumours are he will soon be released. Masters was a travesty but he'll be back.
There's rumours of plenty of stuff. It doesn't all turn out right.
Sin Cara has been rumoured to be released near enough since he started. I'll believe it when it happens. As of right now everything just seems like WWE taking a guy that came in with a huge attitude from being the best where he was and going "here you're nothing, we can replace you at any time" to get his personality back in check.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post

Before a match, the workers and the agent (and sometimes the ref) will get together so they do over everything. Cara should at that point make his move-set clear. A number of guys not selling properly against the same guy and you still think it's them? Rose tinted glasses...?
I know exactly how it works.
How do you know that that didn't happen, that the moves weren't worked over, and then in the ring the other guy didn't still mess them up?

Lets look at it logically, you've got one guy who's worked the same style his entire career used to the moves, and another guy, who's been talked through them before the match with no real experience of them. When the move fails who's more likely to be the one making the mistake?

If you're going to blame Sin Cara for not doing enough to train the guys up then you surely you should be agreeing that he shouldn't have been instantly thrown into the roster. It's amazing that the people who the botches have been against are people that struggle with WWE style wrestling as well. It's not like he's gone against a decent worker and botched as well.

I don't even like Sin Cara's style, I've never been a fan of luchador's like that, their offense just looks extremely low impact to me, there's no real momentum or force behind it, so my glasses are definitely not rose tinted, I just don't like to see people taking unnecessary stick based on things other people have messed up on.

Sin Cara has proven over his career that he can do these moves without botching, WWE signed him to do these moves. That the moves are getting botched are down to the other person not having any experience in doing them, and that isn't something Sin Cara can solve by discussing spots before a match.

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
If Riley had a history of botches in such a short space of time then yes, you may have a point.
He does. Watch his matches. His entire push is based on the pop from him turning on Miz. He was stuck in FCW for years because he never improved. He still hasn't improved. The guy is a danger in the ring. He's green as hell. If it wasn't for the huge pop he got on his face turn he'd be no where near TV.
He's just another example of WWE doing dangerous stuff if it's good for ratings.
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