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Old 03-03-2008, 09:47   #419
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Re: Virgin Media Phorm Webwise Adverts [Updated: See Post No. 1, 77 & 102]

Originally Posted by Stuart C View Post
Well, seeing as this site is funded by advertising, and I really don't want the admin team (myself included) to be landed with a bill for server hosting and software maintenance (licences cost money you know), I made a point of finding out how we would be affected.

We get a lot of people join this site to sort out problems with Virgin. As such, a lot of people access the site through Virgin, so we could lose a lot of money if Phorm hijack our ads. As far as I understand it, sites do have to opt in to recieve ads.

Still, it would be interesting to see if Virgin (or any ISP) do attempt to stop utilities that prevent Phorm working, because it could be taken to mean that their opt-out doesn't work (if it did, why would they care if you had opted out or were blocking their attempts to track you).
This is just an example of the scare mongering thats going on. They will not be highjacking any adverts what so ever. Sites will sign up just like they do to Google Ads and choose where they want the ads placing. the only difference is that Google ads serve adverts based on what the page where the add is whereas phorm will serve ads based on what the user has been surfing for the last few hours.

Can we get confirmation that if this plan does go ahead that Cable Forum will not be signing up to serve ads from them even if means more money for them?

I still don't see what the fuss is all about, I've got nothing to hide and in the end it means more money for the sites I use as a make a habit of clicking ads on my favorite sites as I know that for each click the site is paid even better if the ad is something that I may be intrested in.