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RizzyKing 27-11-2012 21:15

Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Hello all i am looking for some practical info from normal people that have used them item in question is electronic cigarettes i still enjoy smoking but i am getting to the age of not wanting the health downsides so am looking at these as an alternative. Though i have looked much as i am able i have not really found anything beyond the promotional guff about them mainly how long they last each refill cartridge thing i mean or how near to the real thing they can be. Anyone that has or is using them spread the wisdom my friends and help me to figure out whether to go for it or not :D.

danielf 27-11-2012 21:23

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Short answer: Yes. I was smoking 25 full strength Marlboros a day until I picked up an electronic cigarette 15 weeks ago, and I haven't had one smoke since. I tapered off the nicotine over 6 weeks, and haven't had any nicotine for 9 weeks. I still use the e-cig in the evenings, so I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but I'd say 15 weeks without a fag is a success. I won't say it's been easy, but the one thing that made me stick with it was the thought that if necessary, I could always keep using ecigs as a relatively safe nicotine delivery system. I've gone quite a bit further than that, and while not easy, a lot easier than expected.

The only word of advice: get something decent, and not those stupid looks 'like a fag' things. I go the starter kit here Well worth the money.

Sirius 27-11-2012 21:24

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?

Originally Posted by danielf (Post 35503035)
Short answer: Yes. I was smoking 25 full strength Marlboros a day until I picked up an electronic cigarette 15 weeks ago, and I haven't had one smoke since. I tapered off the nicotine over 6 weeks, and haven't had any nicotine for 9 weeks. I still use the e-cig in the evenings, so I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but I'd say 15 weeks without a fag is a success.

The only word of advice: get something decent, and not those stupid looks 'like a fag' things. I go the starter kit here Well worth the money.

Well done :clap:

Graham M 27-11-2012 21:29

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Well done Daniel :)

danielf 27-11-2012 21:36

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Honestly, I tried them thinking 'I'll see what this is like', and wasn't very determined I was going to quit, and after a couple of weeks of not smoking real fags it kind of started to dawn on me that I could actually keep it up. I was amazed myself.

To Rizzy: it's not quite like smoking, and it all depends on nicotine levels and flavours etc. but you can't go wrong giving it a shot. An initial outlay of 30-35 quid. That's 100 fags. And if you want to you can stick with the nicotine, of taper down over a year. Or two. Or start smoking lime and chewing gum flavours. :)

martyh 27-11-2012 22:06

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
The missus uses the menthol ones with some success but she isn't fully committed to giving them a go but they have certainly cut down on the amount she smokes .My advice would be to try them just don't use them on a bus anywhere near the M6 toll ;)

Dai 27-11-2012 23:37

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
I was spending over 50 quid a week on Hamlet cigars and decided to give the ecigs a try. On a recommendation from a friend I bought the Ego-T starter kit, as that has refillable cartridges which can be cheaply filled from a dropper bottle. Initially I kept the "key" cigars of the day such as the morning puff with the first mug of coffee and the evening after-dinner smoke but decided to try infilling between these key points with the e-ciggy.
Much to my surprise I found after quite a short time that I was happy just to use the e-cig for most of the day. In fact after a while I lit up a cigar one day and found myself thinking I just didn't like the taste anymore.
For me it's been a great success. I've not smoked a cigar since mid-May and I'm now reducing the strength of the nicotine liquid that I use for refilling.

In the past I've tried all the remedies. Patches, gum, pastilles, all have failed to work for me. I think part of the difference with the e-cig is that you still replicate the oral act of smoking but without all the tar and other nasties that you get from burning leaves.

I'd definitely recommend giving it a try, but as was said before do go for one of the e-cigs that can be refilled from the bulk supply bottles. ego-t or ego-c are both a very satisfying smoke, with plenty of smoke to replicate that 'hit' in the back of the throat that you get from tobacco.

jempalmer 28-11-2012 01:25

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
I've not smoked for 9 months. However this is a big problem (for me anyway). I am using 2mg lozenges at the rate of 12 a day. I started with the 4mg, after about a month I switched to the 2's. Since then I can't seem to stop. I don't crave a cigarette in my hand. I just seem not to be able to stop eating the pills :(

Edit: @ danielf well done dude :)

Dash: CF noob 28-11-2012 02:48

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
YES YES YES, and follow Daniel's advice..

GOOGLE :- VAPING its the new trend....

RizzyKing 28-11-2012 07:53

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Impressive Daniel congratultions and has made my mind up to give them a go kit i was looking at is called jacovapour as it has a good range of flavours and more importantly nicotine strengths as my plan is similar to yours longterm to ween off them altogether. Very helpful guys thanks a lot soon as i have the money will be ordering and will report back how i get on as a 20 a day rollup smoker :).

Gary L 28-11-2012 08:21

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
I get confused and give up when looking at all these.

is it just one thing with batteries in and you just buy the liquid refils?
how long does the liquid last, and how much does it work out a week?
(say 20 cigs a day)

Dai 28-11-2012 09:18

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?

Originally Posted by Gary L (Post 35503170)
I get confused and give up when looking at all these.

is it just one thing with batteries in and you just buy the liquid refils?
how long does the liquid last, and how much does it work out a week?
(say 20 cigs a day)

This is what I use.

There are basically 3 bits. The straight black section is a battery which is rechargeable from usb or mains adaptor. The tapered black section is the heater/vapouriser unit which makes the smoke. On the end of that is the mouthpiece in clear plastic which also holds the liquid. It has an end cap which pops off so you can refill from a dropper bottle.

As far as costs go, I was spending over £50 per week on tobacco. The 20ml bottles of eliquid are priced around £7-8 depending on supplier and last me around 2 weeks.

Maggy 28-11-2012 09:26

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Well my husband is currently addicted to ordinary chewing gum but hasn't smoked for nearly 3 years.The nicotine gum was as expensive as the cigars I was buying and he did become reliant on it.

However whatever works for you..provided you only replace it with a less harmful solution.Eventually though you should try for a cheaper solution or you fail to realise one benefit of not smoking..extra money in your pocket.

Thinking about Mr Angry and his boat...

danielf 28-11-2012 10:21

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?
Further to what Dai said: roughly speaking, E-cigs come in two 'flavours'. One is the 'looks like a fag' variant with the blue tip that lights up. These tend to come with prefilled cartridges which sell at about £2 a pop (~1ml). The other variant is the one I and Dai linked to. The jacovapour that Rizzy mentions looks like a rebranded ego (that's the one Dai mentions). These systems generally come with better batteries, but are also intended to be refilled from a dropper bottle, meaning you can buy the liquid in bulk which works out a lot cheaper.

The amount of liquid you will use depends mostly on the nicotine strength you buy. The liquid comes in varying strengths and you will go through more if you buy lower strength. My understanding from reading forums is that around 2ml a day is around average. At the prices Dai mentions that's about £1 a day, which is considerably less than regular smokes. A nicotine strength of 18mg/ml seems the average starting level for a 20 a day smoker. Many people gradually lower the nicotine strength once they kicked regular smokes. I lowered it quite aggressively to 0 over 6 weeks. Other people are happy to stay at higher nicotine levels because they enjoy consuming nicotine in what is perhaps not a risk-free manner, but ultimately far safer manner than through the burning of tobacco.

Words of warning:
1. Nicotine is a poison, and a strong one at that. A 5 ml bottle of liquid @18mg/ml will kill an adult man if it is drunk (likewise, three cigarettes would kill you if ate them). You will only absorb a fraction of the nicotine when used in an e-cigarette. Nevertheless, this is dangerous stuff, and should be kept out of the hands of children.
2. This market is unregulated. 'E-liquid' is mixed by people in garages and back rooms, and while there's little reason to assume it doesn't contain what people say it does, there's no guarantee either. Then again, there's little control over the harmful stuff that goes into cigarettes.
3. This may not last. Several countries in the world have banned ecigs (at least the nicotine containing variant), on the grounds that there's no quality control. The reasoning appears to be that as a nicotine delivery system it should be classed as a medicine and licensed as such (which would make them considerably more expensive). The pharmaceutical industry which manufactures standard NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) would love this, so they can keep selling us gum and lozenges etc at inflated prices because they are medicines.

Gary L 28-11-2012 10:31

Re: Electronic Cigarettes should i or shouldn't i ?

Originally Posted by Dai (Post 35503185)
This is what I use.

There are basically 3 bits. The straight black section is a battery which is rechargeable from usb or mains adaptor. The tapered black section is the heater/vapouriser unit which makes the smoke. On the end of that is the mouthpiece in clear plastic which also holds the liquid. It has an end cap which pops off so you can refill from a dropper bottle.

As far as costs go, I was spending over £50 per week on tobacco. The 20ml bottles of eliquid are priced around £7-8 depending on supplier and last me around 2 weeks.

Thanks. still undecided really.
been reading the jacvapour site and the starter kits. can't decide if I want a white or black one. then I get confused about the vgo version, and then the cartridges. then whether the size of the battery is too big or too small. then I've read something about the batteries can be charged around 5 times.

I've given up again! :)

there's a 20% discount code for jacvapour - ECR69

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