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Theodoric 02-01-2004 22:03

Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
In other words, who intends to leave the decorations up until 6 January. Of those people who do, I suggest that they comprise 2 main categories:

1) A minority who believe in living by the rules.

2) A majority who will use any excuse to delay the evil moment of having to take the damn things down.

Paul K 02-01-2004 22:05

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
How about the ones who have to go back to work so need to get them down sooner rather than later?

Nor 02-01-2004 22:10

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
I think most people believe in following the rules. They have no idea why these are the rules or who actually made them up but I reckon its just natural instinct to follow the rules when it comes to things like this.

Tricky 02-01-2004 22:23

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Mine are staying up all year! - Well the tree (plastic) is going to get a massive bin liner over it and all the decorations and put into the garage 1st thing tomorrow morning. Cards came down this evening and everything else will be down by tomorrow evening..Although I may keep my study xmas lights in the window!

Tricky 02-01-2004 22:24

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?

Originally Posted by Nor
I think most people believe in following the rules. They have no idea why these are the rules or who actually made them up but I reckon its just natural instinct to follow the rules when it comes to things like this.

Is it not just the "12 days of christmas, my true love gave...."?

Russ 02-01-2004 22:27

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
I try to stick to a traditional Christmas as possible and the decorations stay up until the 6th but certainly not because we believe that bringing them down any sooner or later would bring any 'bad luck' or something silly like that.

Paul 02-01-2004 23:20

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Ours are always removed before we go back to work & school - which this year will mean they come down on Sunday afternoon.

Julian 02-01-2004 23:25

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
I thought they just had to be down before the 12 days were up - or had to stay up until Easter.

Ours all came down today, the tree had dropped nearly all its needles anyway. :(

Graham 02-01-2004 23:31

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Decorations? What decorations?!

Jerrek 03-01-2004 02:13

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Rules? What rules? What is this about January 6?

Graham 03-01-2004 02:18

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?

Originally Posted by Jerrek
Rules? What rules? What is this about January 6?

January 6th is "Twelfth Night" ie the 12th after Xmas and the end of the "end of year" festivities. It is traditionally considered unlucky to have decorations up after this time.

For more info see for example.

Jerrek 03-01-2004 02:19

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Fascinating. Never heard of it before. Thanks for the link.

Graham 03-01-2004 02:23

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?

Originally Posted by Jerrek
Fascinating. Never heard of it before.

You most probably have, but you've not made the connection:

"On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me..." etc.


Thanks for the link.
You're welcome.

Bex 03-01-2004 10:58

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
ours will prolly come down this weekend, my nephew is really excited about having them up....

Colin 03-01-2004 20:27

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Mine came down on the 28th. I actually dont like decorations in the house so only the tree goes up. Don't know why, i dont mind christmas that much, but i have never liked the whole decorations thing. especially the people that go over board. They know who they mean. :)

imback 03-01-2004 20:30

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
My tree came down 2 days ago, with all the new toys in the house after the big day we needed the space, and once boxing day has gone I just don't see the fun in having them up any longer. Looking around my street most people have taken theirs down also.

Dave Stones 03-01-2004 20:37

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
ours came down today, for the simple reason i am the only one who can reach up to put them back in the loft, and i wont be here from monday...

Theodoric 04-01-2004 15:59

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Well, our new (artificial) Xmas tree is now dismantled and in the attic until next Xmas. Now, it may be true that that what goes round comes round, but it is definitely not true that what comes out of a box goes back into a box. The tree is now partly in its box and partly in a pedal bin liner. I'm sure it has copied the rest of us and put on weight over the holidays.

Paul 04-01-2004 17:35

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Just finished packing all ours away for another year - roll on xmas 2004 :D

Dude111 10-01-2018 01:11


Originally Posted by Russ
I try to stick to a traditional Christmas as possible and the decorations stay up until the 6th but certainly not because we believe that bringing them down any sooner or later would bring any 'bad luck' or something silly like that.

To me a traditional christmas Russ is one exactly like we used to have in the 80s and earlier...... BEAUTIFUL C7 COLOURED BULBS,A tree that smells piney...... Nice decorations...... Nice warm GOOD analogue christmas music,etc........

Im not really into christmas anymore because its so ugly....... Tiny white LED lights,ugly decorations...... THIS IS NOT CHRISTMAS TO ME............

Some people in my neighbourhood dont take thier stuff down until spring!! (But amazingly not too many had any decorations up this year) Our tree came down last week......

This christmas WAS A LITTLE EASIER FOR ME as I had a small TABLE TOP TREE and that one I decorated with C7 bulbs :)

Paul 10-01-2018 04:00

Re: Who is a Xmas Traditionalist?
Seriously, can you please not keep dragging up threads that are over 10 years old. :erm:

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