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Damien 14-04-2017 17:19

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Stephen 14-04-2017 17:30

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

denphone 14-04-2017 17:35

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Damien 14-04-2017 18:30

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
If you ask me I think this confirms the theory that Luke is a Jedi.

denphone 14-04-2017 20:36

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Yes l think you are right.

Paul 15-04-2017 05:38

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35894686)
If you ask me I think this confirms the theory that Luke is a Jedi.

Theory :confused:

Luke has long been a Jedi, since the Return of the Jedi, in fact you could say since the Empire Strikes Back.

pip08456 15-04-2017 06:14

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Could sat???

General Maximus 15-04-2017 07:18

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
sat = say

He is so excited by the whole thing that he started speaking Rylothian.

bubblegun 15-04-2017 08:59

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
I hope this film does something different rather just the re-hash of the first and third films that the last one was. Looks like it will be another Empire Strikes Back where all hope is almost lost but for an "I'm your father" moment, just before Luke dies. That's my guess..

Pierre 16-04-2017 21:50

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by bubblegun (Post 35894764)
I hope this film does something different rather just the re-hash of the first and third films that the last one was. Looks like it will be another Empire Strikes Back where all hope is almost lost but for an "I'm your father" moment, just before Luke dies. That's my guess..

So a rehash of 1 & 3 = bad.

Rehash of 2 = good.

How about something original?

Maggy 17-04-2017 08:31

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
There is very little of anything original coming out of Hollywood these days....I'm lucky if there is one film in a year that I want to go to the cinema to watch these days.

General Maximus 17-04-2017 19:48

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
I think Rogue One was phenomenal and a must see at the cinema. Looking at the big original films for this year I would also mention Thor and Fast 8.

Looking back at my lists I would say the Marvel stuff in general (e.g. X-men and CA: Civil War), the Divergent series, Now You See Me, Star Trek, The Accountant, Arrival, Passengers, Taken, American Sniper, Ex Machina, Project Almanac, Jurassic World, London Has Fallen, Hunger Games, Edge of Tomorrow, Deep Water Horizon.

Admittedly 90% of the stuff is remakes and sequels these days but not all of it is bad. The new Spiderman coming out this year is a remake but it looks like it is going to be AMAZING!

bubblegun 19-04-2017 23:35

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35895024)
So a rehash of 1 & 3 = bad.

Rehash of 2 = good.

How about something original?

I don't think I implied a re-hash of 2 = good.

I was meaning the same as you, that I'd rather see something more original than a mash-up of something we've seen already.


Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35895161)
I think Rogue One was phenomenal and a must see at the cinema. Looking at the big original films for this year I would also mention Thor and Fast 8

I'd agree Rogue One has been the better of the two new Star Wars films, so far.

Scary 21-04-2017 10:54

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Luke was a Jedi, now he is a grey Jedi, as he became disillusioned with the Jedi teachings, after The return of the Jedi he went to old Jedi temples throughout the galaxy looking or holocrons and what he learnt he knew not to be true, that is why as explained in the force awakened he went in search of the first Jedi temple to gain the knowledge of the original Jedi.

the original Jedi were known as Je'daii Order where there was no light or dark side only balance.

this is why at the end of the trailer he says the Jedi must end as he now knows that the only way there will be peace is if the jedi and sith orders either die or go back to the original teachings.

adzii_nufc 06-05-2017 14:44

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Stephen 16-07-2017 00:57

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
A new behind the scenes clip was shown off at D23 today.

Dude111 16-07-2017 05:50


Originally Posted by bubblegun
I hope this film does something different rather just the re-hash of the first and third films that the last one was. Looks like it will be another Empire Strikes Back where all hope is almost lost but for an "I'm your father" moment, just before Luke dies. That's my guess..

Thats all they seem to be able to do now.... Take old things which were beautiful and make them crap.........

Pretty sad....

General Maximus 16-07-2017 11:38

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by Dude111 (Post 35908013)
Thats all they seem to be able to do now.... Take old things which were beautiful and make them crap.........

Pretty sad....

That is a shame and I think you should give it a chance. They are never going to beat the original trilogy but I think this one looks really good. Episode VII was a bit of a copy cat but I am dying to see Luke teach Rey the ways of the Force in this one and hopefully get some of John Williams' theme music in there.

You really need to give it a chance. I am more cynical than most people and as soon as I heard they were making standalone movies a few years ago I sighed and moaned and said they were just doing it for the £££. When the trailer for Rogue One came out I was speechless. I went to the midnight premiere for it and was blown away and it is now my favourite Star Wars movie out of the whole lot.

I think some of the cheesy cute animals spoil it for me because you can tell they have been put in for effect (like the remastered versions of the original trilogy) but I like to focus on the story and the characters. This one is going to be special because it is the last time we are ever going to see Leia.

denphone 18-07-2017 19:53

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35908007)
A new behind the scenes clip was shown off at D23 today.


admars 09-10-2017 12:53

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
so there was 10 second teaser last night, ready for the new trailer which premiers in the ad break of a "football" match in USA tonight, followed by ticket sales,...


Stay on target! UK tickets for The Last Jedi will be on sale at 7AM on Tuesday and the new trailer will debut even earlier. MTFBWY

General Maximus 09-10-2017 15:36

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Where did you get that info from. I dont believe they are going to put them up for advanced booking before Justice League comes out. Last year they wouldnt release the tickets for Rogue One until Fantastic Beasts was out and that was something like 20th November.

---------- Post added at 15:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------

I have just got an email from Odeon. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at 0700.

denphone 10-10-2017 05:27

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
The Last Jedi trailer is out.

admars 10-10-2017 06:37

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
tickets booked :) I remember this happened last year, they were meant to go on sale 23:00 for Rogue one, but I got myself ready logged in at 22:30 and got them.

General Maximus 10-10-2017 07:16

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Odeon are absolutely terrible. It is 07:15 and the tickets still aren't available.

denphone 10-10-2017 07:24

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35919633)
Odeon are absolutely terrible. It is 07:15 and the tickets still aren't available.

Either that or their site has gone down General.

General Maximus 10-10-2017 07:42

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Not yet, you can tell loads of people are on it because it is very sluggish. It crashed last year when they putthe tickets up for Rogue One at midnight. It took me 40 mins before i finally got them.

denphone 10-10-2017 08:17

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35919635)
Not yet, you can tell loads of people are on it because it is very sluggish. It crashed last year when they putthe tickets up for Rogue One at midnight. It took me 40 mins before i finally got them.

To be perfectly honest their site ain't that good in my opinion as its poorly laid out and pretty slow as well.

Stephen 10-10-2017 08:20

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
Got my ticket booked. Midnight showing at my Glasgow Cineworld sold out in 2D and 3D so have had to book the double feature showing with Force Awakens starting at 9pm on the 13th.

admars 10-10-2017 09:01

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
I got my tickets at 6:30 for Odeon, like last year the "broke" the embargo, I remember year before it was painfully slow when they went on sale.

DocDutch 10-10-2017 09:13

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8) teaser
tickets booked at Showcase :) for the 14th :) :D :) :D

Stephen 10-10-2017 11:30

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Dunno how I will cope though as working 8-6 on the day then cinema from 9pm till about 2.30am I think. Will be totally knackered. Many energy drinks I think!

New trailer does look awesome and some cool looking scenes. Am sure many won't play out like we think going from the clips.

General Maximus 10-10-2017 19:41

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I wouldn't be able to do it. I could just about manage it if I was off work the following day and go home from the cinema knowing I could go to sleep but there is no way I could work another day. When it comes to midnight premieres (e.g. Thor, Justice League, Star Wars and Black Panther) I book the day after off so I can sleep and recover. I have booked Thursday and Friday off this year so I can go to the double bill in 2D, come home and asleep and then go and see it in 3D in the afternoon and I'll probably go again on Friday and Saturday as well.

admars 02-11-2017 13:53

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

General Maximus 02-11-2017 19:20

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
fantastic, I can't wait. Here is another one as well, I was sure I posted it yesterday but obviously not. It builds on the first trailer:

denphone 03-11-2017 07:32

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Can't wait..:hyper::hyper:

General Maximus 08-11-2017 13:06

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
A certain somebody has just come through my letter box and I cannot begin to describe how excited I am. Kick ass:

General Maximus 02-12-2017 11:27

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
we are less than 2 weeks away now so here is a little teaser for you

General Maximus 16-12-2017 17:08

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
ok so here we go. I have been putting it off because I can't believe I am going to moan about a Star Wars film but the more I think about it the more it does my head in. I have seen it three times and none of my opinions have changed since the first time I saw it. Part of my problem is that I don't quite know how to explain what is wrong with it. I have been thinking about the pros and cons in my head and the number of pros outweigh the number of cons but it is still very bad. There is something missing from it which makes it not feel like a Star Wars film. It is as if somebody had been told about Star Wars who had never seen it before, tried to make a film of what they thought Star Wars was and slapped the name on the front of it. The closest analogy I can come up with is how many people perceive the new Star Trek films. They aren't Star Trek as we know it but the difference is that there is still a Trek-ness to them and they are more Trek than not. For me, this is less Star Wars than it is Star Wars.

On the plus side, I loved hearing the title theme at the beginning of the film, it immediately gets you into the spirit of things and is something I missed in Rogue One. A lot of the original theme music is in this film and "the force" theme is used many a time and it gave me goose bumps every time I heard it.
It was great to see Yoda again and I can only hope that we see Anakin and Luke in their blue ghostly-ness when it comes to crux time with Kylo Ren in Ep IX.
It was nice to see Leia have a greater role in this film than she did in the previous one. Even more fittingly now that she has passed away is that we got to see her exercise her Jedi powers and use the force. It is just a damn shame that they have already confirmed that she isn't going to be in the next film so I am not sure what they are going to do there because I was expecting her to be killed off in this one and she wasn't.
All the humour was great in the film. I laughed at all the little jokes and I loved the Porgs, I though they were cute and hilarious.
The only thing I am really happy about story wise in this film is Rey's development and growth into a Jedi. She has grown a lot and it is great to see her master her power and ability to use the force.

Cons: that being said, I would have liked to have seen more direct teaching of Jedi-ness and the force to her rather than her just winging it. I can understand that there were time constraints with regards to the story and I felt teased at the beginning of the film when she looked down off the cliff to see Luke's x-wing underwater. I thought "ah, he is going to get her to lift it out of the sea" but that didn't happen and it was fine. The problem is that every time we say Rey use the force it is in anger/frustration/heightened emotional state and we never see her calm and harmonious as Yoda teaches. After everything she had been through in the film the perfect opportunity to show everyone how much she had grown and became a true Jedi would have been with the rocks at the end. She knew what she had to do said to herself something like "just lift some rocks". What would have been amazing here is if we saw her close her eyes, focus, the force theme music kick in and we see her move the rocks. Instead, it cuts to another scene, comes back and she has done it and holding them in mid-air.
I don't know how many of you spotted it but there is a continuity error with the Phasma/Finn fight scene at the end of the film. One minute she is right next to him giving the order for him to be executed and then there is the huge explosion with the ship being torn in half. Everyone in the hanger is dead but she re-enters the hanger as if she was outside all along with a squad of storm troopers.
The opening scene of the film was good apart from who builds bombers that are so slow that they all get pasted before they reach their target? It was pure fluke that they managed to get anywhere close which they wouldn't have done if the First Order fighters had been launched earlier and if the surface cannons hadn't been taken out.
My biggest gripe is at the end of the film and I actually swore out loud because it annoyed me that much. I hate it when things happen which are unrealistic and happen for the sake of the story. The resistance had been pummelled through the whole film so you would have thought that if one of them had the opportunity to deal a crippling blow and save everyone else (just like the Vice Admiral did with the cruiser) they would have done. They were faced with complete defeat and total annihilation in the hanger and Finn had the opportunity to save them all and destroy the canon so what does stupid Rose do? She stops him so everyone else can die and probably her and Finn as well when they crash and the storm troopers catch up to them. She is supposed to be pro-resistance and heroes but she royally screwed them over.
The other big gripe I have which is quite significant because it is the premise of the trilogy is how Kylo Ren came to be a bad guy. It was all down to Luke having one bad moment which didn't go the right way. This never would have happened because it goes against the Jedi's code of conduct. There was a big Star Wars feature in SFX a couple of issues ago and one of the things they did were the Top 10 rules for being a Jedi and one of them is that Jedi only use their powers for defence and they never attack an unarmed person. As soon as I saw that scene in the film I felt like the film was betraying Luke and the Jedi as a whole.
Given that there was so much happening in the film and the lack of time they were spending with teaching Rey the whole casino planet trip was annoying me but I understand why they did it. They had to setup an oppressed society and culture to tie in with the message at the end of the film.
As a change up it was good to see Snoke die in this film and not reign as the big bad for the trilogy. My only problem is that we don't know who he is or how he came to power. I can only hope that it is something they reference and clear up in ep IX. On the plus side, we know who Rey's parents are but if they were random farming peasants from nowhere then surely there must be more Jedi out there developing their powers and in need of training? They could make a whole trilogy just out of Rey going round the galaxy, finding baby Jedi and setting up a new school and temple and training them all.

There are good bits and bad bits to all films and most of the time they are just little niggles but you still enjoy the film. For me this wasn't Star Wars. I haven't got niggles, I have got big problems and there are too many of them and cumulatively they take away the Star Wars feel to the film. I read that Mark Hamill didn't like the story at all going into the film and now I know why.

My only hope is that the next film returns to Star Wars as we know it as JJ is coming back.

admars 16-12-2017 17:16

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
i thought the problem was they tried to hard to make it a star wars film, it was like they had a check list of things which have to be in it

space battle
chase scene
light sabre fight
funny bits
teaching session

and then they thought, lets put a few of each of them in to make the fans happy, and then thought of a way to link the set pieces :(

individually all the standard bits were good, but the stuff to hold them together in some parts was nonsense, which for me stopped me enjoying it, and then it dragged and dragged, to the point I just wanted it to end :(

Stephen 16-12-2017 19:21

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I have to disagree with almost all you posted general. That for me was a brilliant Star Wars film and for me the best since ESB. Yeah there were a few little niggles for me but that was all.

Rian Johnson did a fantastic job and has even been asked back for a whole new triology.

General Maximus 16-12-2017 19:49

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35929179)
Rian Johnson did a fantastic job and has even been asked back for a whole new triology.

I know and that is going to give me many sleepless nights. When i first heard about it a few weeks ago i thought that TLJ must be amazing for them to give him a whole new trilogy but now i am dreading it.

As an example for what i was saying earlier, Rogue One had no Jedi or force in it yet it managed to capture the tone and feel of Star Wars perfectly and they kept the faith alive with samurai dude "i am one with the force and the force is with me". For me Rogue One is the best Star Wars film and in contrast TLJ just pisses all over it. It is like they tried to do it without understanding what they were doing.

Stephen 16-12-2017 23:14

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
They obviously understood Star Wars and what the plans for the trilogy were. You are the only person that disliked it and moaned about many of the really good enjoyable Star Wars moments. The humour was great as well.

My only change would have been to remove to whole Canto Bight section. That was utterly pointless.

Maggy 17-12-2017 09:19

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Please be very careful what you reveal in this thread because it does not have a no spoilers warning.

Stephen 17-12-2017 09:36

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I haven't revealed anything.

pip08456 17-12-2017 09:53

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Looks like audiences are agreeing with the General.


Maggy 17-12-2017 11:03

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35929205)
I haven't revealed anything.

Never said you did..It's just a reminder for the excitable.:)

Paul 18-12-2017 01:50

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I thought it was a good entertaining Star Wars film.

Certainly not the best of them so far, but not the worst either.

denphone 18-12-2017 05:30

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35929207)
Looks like audiences are agreeing with the General.


Not if you judge by how many are going through the door to watch it.:)

General Maximus 18-12-2017 18:46

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35929207)
Looks like audiences are agreeing with the General.


goes to a previous discussion I had with Paul M recently where I said that as I general rule of thumb I always tend to think the complete opposite of critics/reviews.

pip08456 18-12-2017 20:15

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35929278)
Not if you judge by how many are going through the door to watch it.:)

But you have to base it on those who walk out disappointed surely.

Damien 19-12-2017 12:33

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35929272)
I thought it was a good entertaining Star Wars film.

Certainly not the best of them so far, but not the worst either.

Same here, it was good. Better than any of the prequels but not fantastic.

Stephen 20-12-2017 10:08

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Of all my friends that have seen the film the 12 I spoke to all loved it.

Hugh 20-12-2017 10:49

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35929403)
But you have to base it on those who walk out disappointed surely.

Given how highly critics have rated the franchise's latest installment (93% certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes) versus how bitterly divisive the film has been among hardcore Star Wars fans (a mere 57% audience score on RT), you would think The Last Jedi's CinemaScore would reflect that apparently more negative audience reaction.

But The Last Jedi's "A" CinemaScore is the same high grade audiences gave to both The Force Awakens and Rogue One.

CinemaScore is the letter grade domestic filmgoers assign to a movie in audience exit polling conducted opening night. It's been a barometer by which Hollywood has gauged how their movies will perform at the box office for roughly two decades now, but it has become, in the digital age, an even more talked about facet in how studios and the media respond to a movie's performance.

General Maximus 20-12-2017 10:53

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Hmmmm, that is very disappointing because the films are completely different. For me Rogue One is a million times better than The Last Jedi (i wont write an essay explaining why) and i know some people will think the opposite but there is no way you can say the films are as good as each other.

Paul 20-12-2017 13:23

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Nobody (I know) has stated that this is as good as Rogue One - it isnt.

However, thats not the same as saying its bad - RO was a very good film.

General Maximus 20-12-2017 14:10

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35929622)
RO was a very good film.

and it captured the essence of Star Wars perfectly even though it is a standalone film

admars 20-12-2017 19:32

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
it is interesting how it has divided ppl. when I got into work after seeing it, the guy opposite me and another guy near him had the exact same negative feelings about the film, and didn't like certain scenes/aspects. Yet at the weekend I went out with some old work mates, and one asked what I thought, and I said I was disappointed, and he was surprised, as all his work mates had thought it was amazing!

You know what they say, you can't please all the fanboys all the time ;)

Comparing it to Rogue One is unfair, as I think most ppl thought the reason that was so good, was that it was a good war film, set in the Star Wars universe, telling a story we wanted to hear, rather than being focused on the Star Wars Jedi mumbo jumbo :)

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

spoilers, well duh ;)
The “backlash” against Star Wars: The Last Jedi, explained
link removed - as stated earlier in the thread, no spoilers, please

it is an interesting observation that normally the critics hate a blockbuster, yet the great unwashed can enjoy a film on face value for what it is, it's almost like we the people sometimes want to see a film like Armageddon, and sometimes something like Schindler's List, and realise there's room for all types :)

I think box office figures are often irrelevant to how "good" a film is, I think it was Waterworld which got panned, cost a stupid amount of money to make, but ppl still went to see it, because

a) sometimes ppl liek a popcorn brainless bit of fun
b) ppl wanted to see if it really was that bad ;)

and so it got its money back, much to the annoyance of the professional critics

Dude111 21-12-2017 07:10


Originally Posted by Stephen
They obviously understood Star Wars and what the plans for the trilogy were. You are the only person that disliked it and moaned about many of the really good enjoyable Star Wars moments..

I hope you wont be mad at me Steve but I dont care for it either mate,I have NO INTEREST in seeing this......

To me star wars is the original 3 movies that came out in 77,80 and 83 :)

I have the first one on VHS from 1982 (20th century fox (Video rental library (Official tape)))
I have the second one recorded from USA network in 1995 (I wanna try and get an earlier copy,video doesnt look that good (Looks digital)))
I have the third one recorded from HBO in the 80s and its goregous :)

Hugh 23-12-2017 16:55

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
1 Attachment(s)
I saw this on a FB forum, and thought it quite amusing...

h/t to Erik Anderson

General Maximus 23-12-2017 17:35

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
that's great, I love that

admars 23-12-2017 22:25

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
this will restore our faith in the force :)

Paul 23-12-2017 23:51

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
That is brilliant. :D

General Maximus 24-12-2017 16:39

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
lol, I love it. I think it is great when people have the skill and passion to do stuff like that.

Chris 24-12-2017 20:55

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Excellent, excellent film. Very well made, and a thoughtful piece as well, which explores issues that have previously been taken for granted in the Star Wars universe, such as the interface between destiny and self-determination. Does history inevitably repeat itself? If the Force chooses you, what can you do about it? In many ways it’s summed up by what I think is my favourite line in the entire film, which challenges so many of the assumptions we bring to a Star Wars film. Probably going to misquote it as I’ve only seen it once (so far), but here goes nothin’:

Kylo Ren, to Rey: “You have no place in this story. You're nobody. But not to me...”

Oh and I also love that we got to see Ben Kenobi’s wise saying about points of view played out in the three retellings of the story of Luke and Ben Solo.

Just brilliant. I’m looking for excuses to go again before the holidays are over.

Kabaal 26-12-2017 22:33

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I really liked it too. I started reading the Thrawn Trilogy books recently (currently just started the third) so maybe that had something to do with it. If anything i wish it had been longer and spent more time on the political and learning parts.

Anonymouse 27-12-2017 18:00

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I've just seen and loved it. There were quite a few twists, such as what Luke did with the lightsabre Rey offered him (I was totally WTF?! about that), and Kylo taking a leaf out of the book of the Sith, i.e.:
<SPOILER REMOVED - oops, sorry, didn't catch the 'no spoilers' warning until I read the rest of the thread, my bad!>
I honestly didn't see that coming. I'm amazed Snoke didn't, either...

But I'd still like to know who Snoke actually was, and where he'd been in the heyday of the Empire...and why Darth Sidious didn't sense his power. Plus I am not convinced Kylo told Rey the truth about her parents; if they and she were "nothing", how is it that she's so powerful with no training whatsoever, possessing an almost instinctual grasp of her abilities - as she showed in The Force Awakens; how did she know how to pull off the Jedi Mind Trick? How did she even know she could do that?

It seems too obvious an answer, but I'd like to think she's either Luke's daughter, or Leia's (perhaps conceived during her estrangement from Han). That ability with the Force had to come from somewhere. Or maybe there were a few Jedi survivors other than Obi-Wan and Yoda who had the sense to go underground and bide their time, as Olee Starstone did in the novel Dark Lord: The Rise Of Darth Vader...

I wonder what Rey will think when she starts seeing Force ghosts, as I'm sure she will? Knowing her, she'll likely try to brain 'em with that staff of hers! :p:

Go, BB-8, go!!! He put Artoo to shame in this film!

One more question I really wanted answered: how did Maz acquire Luke's lightsabre?!

General Maximus 27-12-2017 18:13

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
You beat me too it. You just need to put spoiler tags around the relevant bits you want to mention

Paul 28-12-2017 00:23

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
The film has been out for two weeks now, the time for spoiler tags has passed.

if you havent seen it by now then you should not be reading threads on it, you cannot expect details to be hidden.

Stuart 28-12-2017 15:12

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Anonymouse (Post 35930115)
But I'd still like to know who Snoke actually was, and where he'd been in the heyday of the Empire...and why Darth Sidious didn't sense his power. Plus I am not convinced Kylo told Rey the truth about her parents; if they and she were "nothing", how is it that she's so powerful with no training whatsoever, possessing an almost instinctual grasp of her abilities - as she showed in The Force Awakens; how did she know how to pull off the Jedi Mind Trick? How did she even know she could do that?

It seems too obvious an answer, but I'd like to think she's either Luke's daughter, or Leia's (perhaps conceived during her estrangement from Han). That ability with the Force had to come from somewhere. Or maybe there were a few Jedi survivors other than Obi-Wan and Yoda who had the sense to go underground and bide their time, as Olee Starstone did in the novel Dark Lord: The Rise Of Darth Vader...

I wonder what Rey will think when she starts seeing Force ghosts, as I'm sure she will? Knowing her, she'll likely try to brain 'em with that staff of hers! :p:

Go, BB-8, go!!! He put Artoo to shame in this film!

One more question I really wanted answered: how did Maz acquire Luke's lightsabre?![/FONT]

I think the film made it obvious that Rey's parents are significant. It spent far too long telling us they aren't. If they weren't, why go to such lengths?

I suspect that her father is possibly Luke, or one of her parents is a descendant of Obi Wan (Obi Wan himself would be too old).

Damien 28-12-2017 21:07

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Maybe there was disagreement between the two directors on Ray's parents. Rian Johnson does seem to have jettisoned JJ Abrams' story arcs. Snoke? Dead. Ray's parents? Not important.

I like the choice, assuming it sticks, for Ray's parents not to be another Skywalker/important figure. It also frees up the franchise to move beyond the initial three films and universe. Why does every important figure have to be related? The theme of the film is to spread it out the force and story behind Luke, Han and Leia. The choice not to have Ray's parents 'be' someone, the whole 'let the past die' stuff, the 'we're the spark that lights the fire' line and the kid at the end.

They've deviated from the formula of a Star Wars film and from the story. It lets them do what they want without having to find a way to shoehorn the old characters into it.

Hom3r 30-12-2017 19:33

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I just got back from seeing it with my Nephew.

I loved the Porgs. especially when Chewie looked like he was eating one, the ones in the Falcon.

I am very disapointed it didn't have a nod to Carrie at the end, unless it came later.

But my bladder was at DefCon 4 after a large coke need help. :D

General Maximus 30-12-2017 19:39

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 35930423)
I am very disapointed it didn't have a nod to Carrie at the end, unless it came later.

it did and it was very soon after the credits rolled so you must have shot out the door pretty fast for a wee. It says something like "in loving memory of our Princess Carrie Fisher".

Chris 30-12-2017 21:51

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Yup, there was an end credit note accompanied by a snippet of Princess Leia’s theme on piano. At the screening I was at, the lights stayed down until after that point.

Hom3r 31-12-2017 00:16

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Thanks guys.

I could only stay for a short while.

Kabaal 31-12-2017 19:03

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I thought it was good but wasn't amazed enough to be dying to watch again when the bluray comes out. Which is kinda weird as some films that aren't that great i really enjoy rewatching.

I started reading the Star Wars books lately so maybe they raised my expectations too high. Started with the Thrawn Trilogy and on the X-Wing ones at the moment and i'm enjoying them much more than the movies.

Hugh 01-01-2018 16:36

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)


Just three weeks after its release, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has already raked in more than $1 billion around the world.

Disney (DIS), which owns the "Star Wars" production company Lucasfilm, said Sunday that global box office numbers for "The Last Jedi" stood at an estimated $1.04 billion.

Disney says that makes "The Last Jedi" the third-biggest film of 2017 worldwide.

General Maximus 14-02-2018 16:22

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
This is hilarious and good to see that they picked up on some of things which really bugged me.

General Maximus 08-03-2018 13:35

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Episode IX is going to be John Williams last Star Wars which will given them a fresh start for the new trilogies. I am very very curious (and we can have a little bet now) whether Dave Benioff and Dan Weiss will ask Ramin Djawadi to do it for them. It is the next logical career step for him and would be a fantastic opportunity.

Paul 08-03-2018 17:55

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Wow, he is 86 ?

If I were him I would have retired some time ago.

General Maximus 08-03-2018 18:20

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I think that is a testament to how much he enjoys his work. If you look back over his life he has had the opportunity to work on iconic films with iconic directors and I doubt there is a single person in the world who hasn't heard of his work. I know plenty of people who don't know him by name but everyone has heard of the Harry Potter theme, E.T theme, Imperial March etc.

There are a couple of people I would love to meet in person and John Williams is one of them. If I won the euro millions I would pay whatever it takes to spend a day with him, talk to him and have a tour of his recording studio etc. The man is a legend.

General Maximus 31-03-2018 17:32

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

General Maximus 14-04-2018 16:24

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Just popped into my local Sainsburys and saw this. I hope they (and other supermarkets) do more stuff like this going forward for the big films like Infinity War and Jurassic World. I am sure both of them will out-gross The Last Jedi.

denphone 29-04-2018 21:15

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
A excellent film IMO and certainly no dud that is for sure.

Rating 9/10

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